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Pennies Make Pounds

For the young folk it would be "cents make dollars".  Yes, the theory has not changed in all my years.  Lately, while listening to the cry about homeless families, it keeps ringing a bell that says "start young, have a simple savings strategy". 

It would be great to get feedback, or a review confirming that some folks are following my savings tips.  Simple plans do work!  It does require consistency, and some discipline.  Mind you, I am of the opinion the new trend that is pushing "bank cards" for regular use will further erode savings plans.  Imagine it is not necessary to scratch around in the purse for loose change, but just swipe the card!  So simple, yet such a trap.  Keep a track of the spending through receipts, or regularly glancing over the bank statements for clues as to where the wages are going..  There is another sneaky thing happening with small bank fees attached to card transactions. 

Please, for your own sake, be patient to grow an investment savings account and, like me, you will get that long awaited deposit eventually.  It is right to think the first $50k is the hard part.  However, it will work even if it means giving up a few luxury items like cups of coffee ($5.50 a cup); weekend breakfasts at $30; and the taxi/uber to work, after sleeping through the alarm!

Folks, I am sure you get it; you can do it!

See Chapter 4, and please read it every time you feel yourself going off track!  In the first instance, it took me 8 years to gather a reasonable deposit for a modest home.  Who cares if the place you find is out of town.  The important thing is you have entered the market.  Good luck!


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** Christmas Special - Click here to get $10 off for 2 copies **Rita Paulos started life  living in a tent as her father moved around from job to job ring barking, well sinking, fixing fences...

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