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Management of Customer Assets

Recently I read an article regarding the management of customer assets, and then it turned my attention to "lost assets" (brokers going broke, banks going broke).  Of course my mind immediately switched to the benefits of real estate assets.  Why?

  1. Land cannot get lost, though the paperwork might get misplaced.
  2. A house on land cannot be stolen, though if bought in a bad location, at worst, may get flooded, and sometimes get resumed to widen roads, etc though that is rare.
  3. An asset that occupies physical space and has deeds registered in the owners name, cannot be sold to another person. There is a reason for Stamp Duty, even if it feels like a "rip off" at times.  Providing the rates are paid, and the rules of the shire are adhered to you remain the registered owner until the property is sold.  It is not necessary to dig through copious amounts of records to find the real owner.  There will be an address listed at the Lands Department stating who is the registered owner of the property, plus a few more details regarding the sale price, date sold, amount paid, etc.

It is a great feeling to be able to visit the address, see it, touch it, and improve on it as required, keeping in mind the zoning of the property and the building regulations. The important part is in these unpredictable times of hacking, scamming, and manipulation, it is more difficult for the crooks to tamper with.






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