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What a difference a few years can make

This is a true story.  My son had worked about 7 years and was planning to go overseas for a few years.  He had enough savings to put a deposit on a town house in outer Sydney, which the Financial Advisor had suggested he consider buying.  Even though he was nervous about using up his money he decided to go ahead with the purchase.  Of course the town house was tenanted through a real estate agent while he was away.  I did encourage him for all the obvious reasons.

There is nothing worse, in my opinion, than spending all your money on a trip and coming home broke!  Looking ten years down the track my son has not looked back, as he was able to buy a home in Sydney on his return from overseas a few years later. Yes, there were times when he wished he had that deposit to spend on a trip!  Usually this is what it takes to give you a "kick start" into the market. He also has learned it was not rocket science, though it was a little inconvenient when he could not get his hands on  the money. 

If you think this through in relation to your own situation, it is possible you may have a similar opportunity. 

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** Christmas Special - Click here to get $10 off for 2 copies **Rita Paulos started life  living in a tent as her father moved around from job to job ring barking, well sinking, fixing fences...

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