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Today I was reflecting on this very old adage "short term pain, long term gain," which saying apparently came from the Doug Ford doctrine. Suddenly, as I thought about it, this meaning was relevant to a lot of things in life. It seemed to apply also to my recent skin graft. The Dr said "limit your walking for a couple of weeks, I have done my bit and now it is up to you". This instruction did not fit in very well with my lifestyle! Now into the fourth week of recovery and, as a last resort, I dragged out my crutches to use since healing was not happening fast enough. The lesson for me "keep revising what you are doing"! This analogy seemed to apply to following a savings plan, to ultimately be able to become a home owner, and reach independence.
Please keep coming back to your plan to:
Whatever it takes to get a positive outcome.
I am not a Financial Advisor though I have been a determined, practical, consistent, flexible thinker and when success is eminent I really dig my heels in further and reach out a little more. Never give up.
** Christmas Special - Click here to get $10 off for 2 copies **Rita Paulos started life living in a tent as her father moved around from job to job ring barking, well sinking, fixing fences...
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