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Rita's advice is general in nature and should not be relied upon in making important financial decisions.
For individual advice, you should consult a qualified financial advisor who can take into account your personal circumstances.
I had a friendly discussion with a passenger during a flight from Brisbane to Townsville. I had been thinking about using my life of lessons learned to help others by writing a book of my experiences and some of the things that helped me get through life successfully.
That conversation really spurred me on to get this book published. As a result of this discussion I have a story to tell.
I thought that it was really quite a coincidence that the person talking to me was almost what I considered a potential customer for the knowledge that I present in this book. I provided so many helpful hints to assist this novice investor to make decisions on important facts that he would need to take into account when making investment decisions.
He literally was blown away when I provided some of the insights that i have offered in Simple Steps to Success! He otherwise might never have dreamed that some of these ideas would be of any consequence in the long term.
Brief points:
The agent was too busy to show this young man around, so he learned a lesson about some real estate agents’ lack of concern about potential buyers requirements. The land was on a hill much steeper than the photography had shown, and the agent was too busy to guide this poor guy any further after he’d travelled a thousand kilometres and spent the return fare to view it.
Factors this young investor did not understand that would influence his investment decisions:
What should he do with his money?
This whole scenario reinforced in me the need to inform young people about where they were heading, and how to sort out their priorities, opportunities and savings in a meaningful way without risk of loss and the disappointment of not knowing the full picture before committing to such a large investment.
A With the guidance in Simple Steps to Success so many people could have gone so much further with their working dollars and therefore be in a more secure environment at retirement. See Preface.
A. No. It is for those who want to start a successful plan that will help them for the rest of their lives. See Chapter 1.
A. There is no specific age that is best for changing habits because circumstances and experience are what mostly give cause for thought about the future. See Chapter 2.
A. Between the ages of 18 and 50 is the best time to take control of your earnings to accrue capital. See Chapter 2.
A. No. You must be prepared to work and be disciplined. Simple Steps to Success sets out ways to formulate a plan, and evaluate the results on a daily basis. See Chapter 3.
A. No. Each chapter in this book is about learning how to make plans, prioritise your ideals, and set realistic goals. The ideas are for average people who can achieve success by being patient and sticking to the plan. See Chapter 4.
A. This book assists people realise where they are heading and how to sort out their priorities, opportunities and savings in a meaningful way without risk of loss and disappointment. See Chapter 6.
A. When you get your pay automatically deposit 10% into an investment account and do not touch it. Work on your budget to retain surplus capital. See Page 9.
My primary objective is to assist people to move forward physically, mentally and financially over their life time. Any step forward is progress
Any person who wishes to enjoy a quality retirement, or early retirement, must take control of his or her earnings to accrue capital.
This book gives clear explanations of how to go about life simply and successfully by approaching daily chores and decisions with an objective in mind.
My background.
Rags to Riches
Gather as many bills as possible from the last twelve months, or make an estimate. A piece of paper will do for putting some figures in their proper places. There is a simple form to help formulate a budget,
Reaching a balance
The theory behind the needs v effort.
Initially strive to have a surplus. Heaps of satisfaction and confidence are gained by knowing all the bills will be paid on time.
Summary for Managing Your Money.
The family home is a valuable asset. Always plan to have a roof over your head.
Evaluating a Purchase.
Making a purchase.
Use your strengths.
Buying a first home.
Principal place of Residence v Investment Rental.
Table of points to be clarified.
Simple calculations, comparing two situations that are familiar, ie Motor Vehicle, and Living Independently
Playing it safe.
Looking at waste on a daily basis.
Tips for purchasing real estate.
Examples of how an investment in real estate can grow over time.
Looking at risk factors.
Give some thought to your ambitions and where you would like to be in twenty years.
Build a network around you and you will meet an amazing number of different types of people of all ages. There will be some solid people who seem to have their “head screwed on” and whose opinion could be worth seeking when making decisions.
** Christmas Special - Click here to get $10 off for 2 copies **Rita Paulos started life living in a tent as her father moved around from job to job ring barking, well sinking, fixing fences...
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