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Rita's Simple Steps Testimonials

February 22, 2023

So practical in this age of have everything now. This should be helpful for all those who need to know how to start to achieve.

Tom Lynn

Wavell Heights, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.

September 1 2020

easy to read and understand, with essential advice and facts for both the home buyer and investor. also provides tips for saving money and setting goals.

a little gem of a book for both  young and older adults.

Rosalie, Queensland

October 5 2019

Excellent guide for school leavers and anyone who needs financial direction and life goals. Simply written and easy to understand and apply. A great little book and only 60 pages.

Ken, Retired Real Estate Sales, Queensland.

August 21 2019

This easy read book has loads of ideas and helpful suggestions for the average person to achieve more than they thought possible. Highly recommended. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience.

Pauline, Brisbane, Qld

August 3 2019

The best thing about this book is that it is so very down to earth. It is about the real world, with none of the usual get-rich-quick hype.

Rita is the opposite of those big shot 'experts' selling snake oil gimmicks. She inspires us with good, honest common sense instead.

Floyd, 53 years Holland Park West,  Queensland Australia

July 2019

I have read this book written by Rita Paulos titled Simple Steps to Success. All I can say is that it is a brilliant little book to be studied by anyone who wants to improve his or her life.

It will be especially helpful for students in high school. This book gives plain yet classic steps a person can learn and follow. If teachers taught the amazing number of basic steps presented in this book to their students, I believe the lessons would make an incredible difference to the lives of so many young people.

The facts to follow are simple and simply done.

Margaret Greenham - 75    years old, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

July 2019

Feeling frustrated after searching for a position that would enable me to utilise my Double Degree and Diploma of Journalism, I phoned Nan to speak about my ideas of making an investment purchase. This was just the right time as the book Simple Steps to Success was in draft form.

The upshot of a meeting with Nan regarding, when, where and how to start, got me thinking. Once I got a plan with a criteria in place, as well as some more cash, I could start looking. The internet was very handy when researching prices, land and house costs and so on.

Just two months ago I felt chuffed to realise I had found my first piece of real estate, 40 minutes drive from the Brisbane City. The house is a workers cottage on 607sq metres of land at a price I could afford, and I am also able to use it as my principal place of residence. This was a win-win situation. Now I’m a proud owner of property, not a renter.

Thanks Nan for setting me on the right path.

Dan Paulos, 25    years old, Ebbw Vale, Queensland, Australia.

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Simple Steps to Success (Hard Copy)

** Christmas Special - Click here to get $10 off for 2 copies **Rita Paulos started life  living in a tent as her father moved around from job to job ring barking, well sinking, fixing fences...

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